CSS background properties and values

Background - position

A position defines an x/y coordinate, to place an item relative to the edges of an element's box. It can be defined using one to four values. If two non-keyword values are used, the first value represents the horizontal position and the second represents the vertical position. If only one value is specified, the second value is assumed to be center. If three or four values are used, the length-percentage values are offsets for the preceding keyword value(s)


The background-attachment CSS property sets whether a background image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls with its containing block.


The background-size CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.

Background-edge offset value

A position defines an x/y coordinate, to place an item relative to the edges of an element's box. It can be defined using one to four values. If two non-keyword values are used, the first value represents the horizontal position and the second represents the vertical position. If only one value is specified, the second value is assumed to be center. If three or four values are used, the length-percentage values are offsets for the preceding keyword value(s).

Background - multiple stack order (location of color values)

The uniform color of the background. It is rendered behind any background-image that is specified, although the color will still be visible through any transparency in the image.

Summary of the Documentation

The background properties sets all bakcground style properties at once,such as color, imaage, origin and size or repeat method. The background property is specified as one or more background layers, separated by commas.