01 Extract UI


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User Interface Discussion

Discuss I like the UI item because I want to knwo how the two different colors were used in a norrow area.

The Techniques Used To Create The UI Item is first thing they create a class name language-sh and it has a min-height: of 48px; and bakcground of #1c1c1c;


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User Interface Discussion

I Like The UI Item because I want to know how the text with an image was created.

The Techniques Used To Create The UI Item includes a class name header with a margin-top: -7px;


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User Interface Discussion

For this one I Like The UI Item because it has different kind of character and colors

The Techniques Used To Create The UI Item is starting with a class name quickstart and then the properies and it has are a display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0;


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User Interface Discussion

I want it to know how the arrow was created.

The Techniques Used To Create The UI Item are a class name free-hosting which have content, float to the right, blackground, width, height, position, right, and bottom.